Piddington Museum

News.... News.... News.... News.... News.... News.... News....

On-site Caravan Vandelised:

Our caravan at the dig site was badly vandelised, and is now unrepairable. The 3 lads who commited

this dreadful act have been identified and police are investigating the crime. We now have to remove the caravan

and scrap it. We hope that the lads who caused all the damage, could be utilised to help in the cleanup of the site.

Piddington Museum

Piddington Museum

Piddington Museum

Piddington Museum

Saturday morning conservation:

Saturday mornings is our time for conservation of finds from the excavation site.

At the moment we are cleaning some coins and identifying them ready for recording into the finds database.

This is a time where we have fun working and chatting. All work is carried out by volenteers.

Piddington Museum

Piddington Museum

Piddington Museum


Piddington Roman Villa Museum is open for visitors every Sunday afternoon, and on Wednesdays after phoning for an appointment.

School visits and other group visits are also catered for on appointment. The museum has been very succesful with school groups,

teaching the children hands on with different projects to teach them about how the Romans lived and worked.

If you would like a group visit, please contact Liz at